Monday, September 9th
First Rehearsal
Band rehearsals this year will be:
Downbeat 7:30
Bedford Middle School
88 North Avenue
Northern Pines
San Antonio Dances
MacArthur Park
Children's March
Westport Community Band 2024-2024
Dear Westport Community Band Members,
I hope this message finds you well and that you have had a wonderful summer! It was great to see so many of you and socialize at the picnic at Peter’s house. Thank you again to Peter for being a great host.
Already, Labor Day is almost upon us and one week following, September 9th, our first rehearsal. We will be back at Bedford Middle School and will start promptly at 7:30. If you can, please come early to get yourself set up. Thanks to Corky for continuing to coordinate the use of the space.
I am excited to have been chosen to be the President of the band this year and thankful to Bill for the work he has done and the momentum he has created the last couple of years. I look forward to getting to know and work with more of you. If you want to be more involved in the band, there are plenty of opportunities. I also welcome new ideas. Please feel free to talk to me or any of the Board members.
Sal and the Board are looking forward to the start of the new season with new music and new opportunities to play. Sal has been busy networking and has some exciting ideas.
On the subject of new music, Sal has been busy scanning and sending parts. Please reach out to him if you are getting this message and not getting music. We have also had some very busy (and expert) music librarians working this summer and their work is greatly appreciated.
Get the season off to a fresh start by cleaning out your old folders and organizing your music as it comes. The recommended “best practice” is to have everything alphabetized in a binder with a separate folder of the music of the pieces we are actively working on. Sal has been great about letting us know, but don't be surprised if he needs to change something at rehearsal.
Last but not least, if you have not already done so, it is not too early to start practicing. Musically, we ended last season on a high note – (pretty easy, if you play the piccolo) and there is more great music to play!
See you in September,
Hello all, and welcome back!!!
As of now my Monday night rehearsal thoughts are to just get started with minimal pain and suffering!! To that end I may be skipping around a bit, choosing tunes to play based on how ready we are to make some music, how exhausted our collective embouchure are from a summer that may not have included practicing (I did warn you!), and how many cookies and brownies are waiting to be eaten after our first rehearsal!
I know that I will be starting with a look to introduce the following at the very least:
Northern Pines
San Antonio Dances
MacArthur Park
Children's March..
From there, who knows!!! I do know though that we will be making music and meeting friends, both old and new, in just a few short days!!! And... I promise to restrict any mention of the Jets game as well during our rehearsal for those of you who would like to record the game!!!!
See you Monday!!
Good Morning All,
I hope that you are as excited as I am about the upcoming, 24-25 WCB Concert Season!! To that end, and with just a bit of score preparation and listening on my part, I thought that it may be fun to share with all of you the listening list that I have put together for my own reference. While in most cases the links that I have chosen reflect tempos and interpretations that I plan on following there are several places where speeds may exceed any realistic expectations!!! Don't despair!!! We will find workable solutions to almost anything!!!
If you are missing any of the following 24-25 season pieces please let me know so that I can send what is needed immediately!! And, print everything out so that if I have missed a page (or sent two different parts to you similar to what I did to the poor bass clarinets!) you will know before you start to do that on the Monday afternoon of our first rehearsal!! Here are those tunes:
San Antonio Dances
Pineapple Poll
American Faces
William Byrd Suite
The Symphonic Gershwin
Dies Natalis
The Northern Pines
Children's March
Music From Carmina Burana
A Trumpeter's Lullaby
MacArthur Park
I hope that you have had a wonderful summer of music, paired with relaxation and all things good, and that you are ready to make Monday nights come alive starting on September 9th!! I know that I can't wait!
All Best, and see you in a few!!
American Faces - Holsinger
Children's March – Grainger/Arr Wagner
Dies Natalia - Hanson
MacArthur Park - Webb
Music From Carmina Burana – Orff/Arr Bocook
The Northern Pines March - Sousa
Pineapple Poll (Suite from the Ballet) - Sullivan/Arr Duthiot
San Antonio Dances - Ticheli
Simple Gifts - Ticheli
The Symphonic Gershwin – Gershwin/Arr Barker
A Trumpeter's Lullaby – Anderson/Arr Lang
William Byrd Suite - Jacob
(Please alphabetize)
Save last year's music
Pam McLaughlin - President
David Muller - V. President
Patty Gelineau - Treasurer
Nanette Jordan - Secretary
Jessica Browner
Peter Coleman
William Elias
Mark Goldenberg
Elizabeth Lockhart
Ken Pond
Jim Salvatore
There are several concerts coming up that may be of interest to some of you. Most can be found on social media pages like FaceBook, Instagram, etc. Here are a few:
There are also a number of local community bands performing their spring concerts in the next month or so. Information for these events can most easily be found on the CT Community Bands Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user why not join that page and be a part of that ever-growing community of musicians!
Video by William Elias
Video by William Elias
Master Class Recordings
For those who have missed these - or want to view them again - below find links to prior Master Classes. Enjoy!
Carolyn Barber:
Milt Allen:
Sam Hazo:
Mark Camphouse:
Jerry Rife:
Anne McGinty:
Stepping Stones Museum Concert
Future Conductors
~Updated August 2024
email address -
Webmaster - N. Jordan
Westport Community Band is a
non-profit organization
501 (c)(3)
Copyright © 2017 Westport Community Band - All Rights Reserved.
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