Westport Community Band is supporting the Hillhouse Band‘s trip for their
Washington DC for the Memorial Day parade.
We wish you would consider supporting them too.
Wednesday, March 26th
Wilton High School
395 Danbury Rd
Wilton, CT 06897
7:30 pm
Band rehearsals this year will be:
Downbeat 7:30
Bedford Middle School
88 North Avenue
No Rehearsal Monday, March 24th
Wednesday, March 26th
Arrive: 6:30 pm
Performance: 7:00 pm
Wilton High School
395 Danbury Road
Uniform: All Black
Bring Stands
Please be ready to work on
Lord of the RIngs
San Antonio Dances
Overture in Bb
and Let Freedom Ring
I will confirm on Thursday the exact order of our program and will share that with you as soon as I have that information.
Please make sure to have Amazing Grace ready as well Monday if we have time to run it as well. See you then!!
Hello All,
Here is the list of music that we will be rehearsing on Monday... and most likely will be the bulk of what we will be rehearsing for the remaining Mondays prior to our concert in Wilton on the 26th of March. If you haven't already done so please put that date on your calendars!! We will also be rehearsing on the 23rd (a Sunday) in the late afternoon/early evening. That time will be locked in as soon as Wilton gets back from their week vacation on Monday. Plan on a time after 5:00 on that day. The concert on the 26th will most likely be at 7:30, but again, I will confirm when Wilton is back in session. Both the rehearsal and the concert will be held in Wilton High School's Clune Center for the Arts.. (the rehearsal may be in the high school band room if the stage is unavailable)
The selections for Monday's rehearsal are as follows:
March Grandioso
Overture in Bb
Let Freedom Ring
San Antonio Dances
Amazing Grace
Lord of the Rings
Amazing Grace and Lord of the RIngs will be in combination with the Wilton High School Wind Ensemble.
See you on Monday!!!!
A. F. O. P. 2023 -
Amazing Grace - Ticheli
America the Beautiful - Ward/Arr Dragon
American Faces - Holsinger
American Fanfare - Kirby
Best Broadway Marches - Arr Christensen
Catch Me If You Can - Arr. Bocook
Children's March – Grainger/Arr Wagner
Come Fly With Me - Arr. Murtha
Dies Natalia - Hanson
Let Freedom Ring - Nowlin
Lord of the Rings - Shore/Arr Lopez
MacARTHUR Park - Webb/Arr Holcombe
March of the Women Marines - Saverino
March: Grandioso - Arr Reed
Middletown Quasquicentennial March - Perna
Music From Carmina Burana – Orff/Arr Bocook
The Northern Pines March - Sousa
Overture in Bb - Giovannini/Arr Robinson
Pineapple Poll (Suite from the Ballet) - Sullivan/Arr Duthiot
The Rose, Shamrock and Thistle - Sousa/ Arr Brion
San Antonio Dances - Ticheli
Simple Gifts - Ticheli
Sleigh Ride - Anderson
The Star Spangled Banner - Smith/Arr Stamp
The Symphonic Gershwin – Gershwin/Arr Barker
A Trumpeter's Lullaby – Anderson/Arr Lang
William Byrd Suite - Jacob
(Please alphabetize)
Save last year's music
Pam McLaughlin - President
David Muller - V. President
Patty Gelineau - Treasurer
Nanette Jordan - Secretary
Jessica Browner
Peter Coleman
William Elias
Mark Goldenberg
Elizabeth Lockhart
Ken Pond
Jim Salvatore
There are several concerts coming up that may be of interest to some of you. Most can be found on social media pages like FaceBook, Instagram, etc. Here are a few:
There are also a number of local community bands performing their spring concerts in the next month or so. Information for these events can most easily be found on the CT Community Bands Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user why not join that page and be a part of that ever-growing community of musicians!
Video by William Elias
Video by William Elias
Master Class Recordings
For those who have missed these - or want to view them again - below find links to prior Master Classes. Enjoy!
Carolyn Barber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpSLCE-JTOA
Milt Allen: https://youtu.be/_h0qWzcOfkc
Sam Hazo: https://youtu.be/DacF4Nn8GOU
Mark Camphouse: https://youtu.be/wCUSaPUaJ5I
Jerry Rife: https://youtu.be/KDoVMkok64I
Anne McGinty: https://youtu.be/NxYoKRy7UYA
Stepping Stones Museum Concert
Future Conductors
~Updated March 2025
email address -
Webmaster - N. Jordan
Westport Community Band is a
non-profit organization
501 (c)(3)
Copyright © 2017 Westport Community Band - All Rights Reserved.